Thursday, August 02, 2012

The real value of smaller things...............

I LOVE this stuff:).

All too often, the business world and people in general get themselves caught up with pictures that are just too big. I recently signed on for 'Dry July' and managed to raise $100; $40 of which came from generous donations from family and friends. Overall, 'Dry July' raised about AU$3.4 million, a lot of which came, I'm sure, from smaller fundraising efforts like my own. (See ) 

In our local communities, there are stories every week about community groups needing relatively small amounts to get over tough times or even just to survive. Today's Leader contains a great story about one such organisation that's been saved because of the generosity of some locals. No huge donations were received, but the sum of the parts made up the lifesaving amount.

The program that was in jeopardy was an after school hours care program for children aged 5 -11 who have 'high needs". Obviously, these special kids can't be looked after by just anyone outside of school hours. The tragedy was that the shortfall in funding was just $7,800 and, as one person wrote in the Comments section on the leader's website, it probably cost more for the decision maker (in a Government department) to make the decision that the $7,800 that they are refusing to provide.

But, the money has been raised from the local community, proving yet again the value of local support in our communities.

I'm back at work next week and my mantra to anyone who'll listen will be "Think Locally and Act Locally" - because thinking globally won't help your, your business or your community anywhere near as much as entrenching yourself and your business in your local community will.

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